The implementation of Obamacare has spawned a whole slew of new medical terms. Ever heard of “patient centered outcomes research”? How about “beacon communities”, “meaningful use”, “de-identification”, “propensity scoring”, “selection bias”, or “EHR” (electronic health records)?
Another you will be hearing over and over will be “quality, efficiency, and patient safety”, which is not a new lingo but rather a marketing slogan for the portion of Obamacare this article will address.
“Comparative effectiveness research”, or CER, describes the process of gathering mass patient data, analyzing it, and making recommendations for care based on which treatments produced the best statistical outcomes. “Personalized medicine”, or PR, is defined as “ensur(ing) that health care delivers ‘the right treatment to the right patient at the right time.’ Both are intended to support high-quality, evidence-based decisions for optimal patient care.” Evidence-based...not much room for the personal care my family physician used to give.
To take one step back, remember that the stated goal of Obamacare is to provide health care insurance for everyone in America. I mean, if you step foot in America, you’re covered. As warned, the providing of millions of Americans and its welcomed permanent visitors who do not all currently have coverage will necessarily require health care rationing. The laws of nature will not allow for more care provided to more people by less providers in the same 24-hour day without rationing.
This brings us back to CER. For complete article, click here.
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